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Friday, October 15, 2010

Currents...ride them dude - Righteous!

Currents are everywhere! In our life, in the ocean, in the air, just to name a few. Take the ocean for example:

There are two types of Ocean Currents:
1. Surface Currents--
These waters make up about 10% of all the water in the ocean.
2. Deep Water Currents--
These waters make up the other 90% of the ocean

AND these Ocean Currents are influenced by two types of forces
1. Primary Forces--start the water moving
2. Secondary Forces--influence where the currents flow

Webster's Dictionary definition: a current reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals

If we look at how simple that explanation is, then comparing the ocean & life's currents is not so hard. In life, as in the ocean, there are primary forces. Those are the forces that begin movement. It's called life desires, a desire to figure out a different result, a plan to accomplish something different than what we are currently doing. Each one creating momentum.

This is where a new current begins to take shape. Surface currents make up 10% of all the water in the ocean, we could then say, 10% of all change in life comes from desire. Desire is good, it begins the process of changing or improving our current situations. It starts the movement. But it goes deeper than that.

If you really want to improve, then you must get down to the deep water currents, like the oceans... 90% of what happens in the ocean stems from here. 90% of what creates our truest form of change is in our core belief's.

Let me explain by using my equation: ( Belief's x Thoughts = Sub-conscious) + words + Action = Results

Our Ego (Sub-conscious) is made up of our beliefs & thoughts. Ego is about accomplishment. Ego is happy when it can protect you. Let's talk about how our Ego is created, becoming an issue or under current for our discussion.

Our Ego began forming the minute we were born. Our minds picked up on everything that was said & felt, adding how we interpreted our experiences as we got older. Think of an experience in your past, something significant. Like your first day of school? did you feel insecure, were you afraid, thinking you will make a fool of yourself, feel inferior? were you excited? Well, how much did you dwell on that?

The time you dwelt on it, imprinted it deeper and deeper into your subconscious to create --- (almost like a record) --a rule for the EGO to work with. Ha Ha, most of you reading this are too young to remember records. Well, I’ll tell you they created records by creating grooves and those grooves are what created the music. If you got a scratch on the record, it would skip and skip over and over again. In essence a scratch created an interruption to the music.

I’ll share with you one of my experiences. I remember Christmas. I always have my excitement of anticipation build and build until I could hardly stand it. I still do...can’t keep Christmas presents a secret without a great deal of control :) ha ha, that’s why we open our Christmas presents at 3:00am ---- way too excited I simply can’t sleep.
I remember one Christmas more than any others. I received so many presents I was lost. I couldn’t remember what I got to save my life. What made this so impressionable? I wanted a certain dress more than anything. I believe I was 5 at the time. I couldn’t stop talking about this dress over and over. My thoughts were obsessed, I was so excited, I just knew I was getting it. The point I want to make is I kept hearing my Mom tell me to have “faith” and IF I had enough faith it would come “true”. I fully believed her!

Well, with my little girl understanding, I prayed and prayed to “get” the dress. Who can guess what the outcome was? NO I didn’t get the dress. I was so disappointed I had to figure out how to deal with that level of disappointment. What rule do you think my Ego took on? You got it, “don’t get your hopes us because you will only get disappointed, dreams don’t come true” Now, how do you think I went forward from this point. Exactly, not hoping for something because my EGO graciously reminded me “you won’t get it anyway”. In essence, my Ego took away my choice. My Ego dictated my thought process.

Is it time to create a scratch in your Sub-conscious record? If you answered yes, stay tuned for the next blog...

Create yourself a fabulous day!


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