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Thursday, April 7, 2011


I had a huge shift in understanding that I feel I'm obligated to share. It may mean nothing to others, but to me it was everything!

My post are usually about shifting one's mindset, enlarging perspectives, empowering oneself, and learning to have complete acceptance of who we are.

This post is about money. My journey started when I read the book, "Secrets of a Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Ecker. I loved the book talking about our money blueprint. I knew then it was my belief system that kept me stuck in my financial woes. I continue learning about my money blueprint and I finally feel like I no longer am hanging onto outdated baggage!!! I am loving the feeling of freedom.

Yes, I'm a real estate investor. I have been in the real estate arena since 1994 and have always felt it was a way to get ahead. I liked the large commission checks, I love the large checks at closing ... some checks are larger than most earn as their yearly salary. However, I never felt like I was getting ahead.

Doing our taxes this year, we were holding ourselves accountable to documenting where our income went. My husband asked, "where did all your income go?"

Our financial hurdle was NOT in bringing in money ("IN"come), it's been in having anything left.

Here's my breakthrough! I learned my mindset was about "IN"come. It's always been just that, bringing in money. The job mindset of working, all to "bring" in money.

I have looked for opportunities out there which always had a focus of "bringing IN" income...income for me was money available to pay expenses. I'm okay with keeping that belief of "bringing IN" money, my shift is in what it's for.

The old belief: I work to pay expenses. The more money I brought in, the more expenses I created.

My breakthrough, new belief is ... I now work to buy my retirement income! How exciting is that?

I became my own expense .... Love it!!!

Create yourself a fabulous day

Renatus Income Opportunity Presentation Part 1

Part 2

Part 3