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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Intention or Expectation...you decide

We hear all the time from the Success Guru's to place your intention out there and it will come to you. You can expect a certain outcome if you declare your intentions. If it's that easy why doesn't everyone have all that they want? Here's a few secrets to the game.
Let's get straight on our definitions so we can all be on the same page.

In the Webster's dictionary the definitions go as follows...
Intention: a determination to act in a certain way
Expectation: : the act or state of expecting : anticipation

Based off these two definitions, side by side can anyone quickly determine why these two don't belong together? If you read my other post about 'Currents' in our life, it would be easy to spot. Intention is throwing an idea out to the Universe, God, whatever your belief is, to receive the result you are looking for, while Expectation is the under current throwing it back. Now can you see why they block each other out?

Now that we understand who and what they each mean, let's put it to work so we can start seeing the results we are seeking. You first have to know what you want to happen. Let's say you are seeking $100,000 in the next 90 days. In my business, that's easily attainable. You begin by sending out your Intention...I deposited $100,000 in my bank account on or before __________(date) you want this to happen. In 90 days nothing happens. WHY?

Expectations are the killer of all good intentions. Think about that last scenario, you intend to deposit $100,000 into your bank account on or before 90 days out. You expect that to happen because you fully believe it will. Ummm, you killed it before it even got out of the gate. Expectations come from how you see things happening. Your expectations come from your physical, logical side of how you determine how things will work. You work towards what you know.

Interesting how we look, interpret, and understand how life works. Be a follower to my blog and learn the secrets to getting what you want, sooner, faster, and more abundantly than ever!!!

Create yourself a fabulous day...


Renatus Income Opportunity Presentation Part 1

Part 2

Part 3