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Monday, April 25, 2011

Types of "Cons"

When making decisions I usually will write down the pros and cons of the situation. I just bought a new car and did the same thing ... made my list. Pro's are the good things, Con's are the bad ... interesting!!!

I continue on my journey to learn more about why I do what I do. This morning part of my reading was going over unconditional love. Learning what true UNconditional love is all about. These thoughts followed;
Why must we live our life based on conditions? Conditions of....
If we want to be liked, we have to meet certain criteria that someone else has set.
If we want to be healthy, we have to eat certain foods that someone else has laid out
Most believe to be "worthy" we must do x,y and z ....
When will we choose to live and love unconditionally? Isn't it time we stop following society and follow Christ's example of unconditional love for everyone? especially ourselves? Remember, we can not give what we do not have ... it all begins within.

The scriptures state clearly, "become as a little child.." that doesn't mean selfish, it means innocent. Innocent doesn't mean naive either, it means to live without baggage, to live with joy instead ... look at it this way, "inner" sense. Learn who you are and feel the joy that comes from your inner sense! How many children do you know that simply enjoys the moment? Running through water, rolling down a hill, signing and laughing out loud, dancing just to dance?

To begin, one must accept themselves. Accept the good, bad and ugly!!! One must stop putting "conditions" on themselves, like... I should be better at this, I should be a better parent, better spouse, etc. Using the word "better" alone tells our inner sense what we are doing is not good enough. I suggest using the word "EVEN better" if you simply can not accept what is!

Create yourself a fabulous day!!!


Renatus Income Opportunity Presentation Part 1

Part 2

Part 3