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Friday, June 24, 2011


“How I do anything is how I do everything.” I learned that from T. Harv Ecker. It’s so true as I have become more aware of my obstacles in life. What that means to me is my “book of law” those thoughts that I feel are non-negotiable thoughts, feelings or actions were leading me down the same path. The path I now decided to shift. WOW, talk about resistance. My personal resistance has been the hardest to move through.

Take money, we all have a financial blueprint, financial laws we hold fast to. I’m no different. I hoard money when I feel or fear loss. When I feel or can not see money coming in the future. I hoard what I have and act like a popper. Crazy as it sounds, I have great months and I feel or fear greater loss than at any other time. I am learning just like each of you to let go of those laws that no longer serve me.

I started a journal and wrote in it every time I felt resistance. There were days that I wrote several times. Resistance or fear is different for each of us, however the feeling of resistance and fear are universal.

I’m going to suggest to start paying attention to those times you feel resistance. Write down your feelings. There are no right or wrong feelings, just feelings. Getting them down on paper will allow you the opportunity to begin your awareness of your own book of law. You will learn those laws that you hold fast and true to, no matter what.

“How you do anything is how you do everything”

Take today and decide what still serves you and what you no longer want. Begin your journey by getting to know how amazing you already are! Keep what you want, shift what no longer serves you! Good luck and know you are not on this journey alone.

Create yourself a fabulous day


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Doctor Doctor

I’m sitting at a doctors office with a friend, and this saying was hanging on the wall.
“The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you”

At first, I wasn’t sure I understood then it hit me and it makes perfect sense. As I have started on my journey I knew where I wanted to be. I also knew how far I needed to go. That was frustrating, it was like planning a journey knowing the end destination BUT the duration in between was overwhelming.

Here’s what I received from the saying. I knew what the Grace of God meant, that was knowing God filled in the gaps after I did my best and completed my efforts. I also know what the will of God means, doing what I am spiritually directed to do.

Let’s recap, if God never takes me where his Grace is unable to be, then why would I ever allow fear to enter in on my journey? As long as I know I did my best, whatever that means, the Grace of God will be there to complete what I was unable to do. It fits perfectly with playing the “perfect game.”

I “should” on myself all the time. I never felt or allowed myself to receive the Grace of God in any of my efforts. What good did that do for me? exactly...NOTHING!
Stop “shoulding” on yourself and know you are doing the best you know at that moment. Again, play the perfect game for one day, then for two, then continue on until it becomes a habit. Your feeling of freedom will be so sweet, you will wonder why you ever doubted how amazing you are!

Perfect Game:
Whatever is offered, take it
Whatever is suggested, do it
Whatever happens, declare it perfect

Create a "shouldless" day,


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ever After

Here I'm sitting at my daughter's house, getting kids settled down and watching the movie. Interesting how stories develop over time. I'm not going to go through the movie chapter by chapter so if you want to know the movie details, you must rent it.

The point I gathered and pondered throughout was the development of stories. We all have stories that began somewhere, over time we or others embellish them to fit the situation.

It's interesting how I have learned that what I thought was a big deal when I was younger doesn't seem such a big deal as an adult. The story that sticks out in my mind, that was huge as I was growing up, was I had red hair. Red hair is not that big a deal but when you are the ONLY person in the whole entire school --- yes in ALL grades (Kindergarten thru 6th) with red hair, you kinda stand out! I truly felt like an alien.

I was told I had a hot temper, I was hard headed, stubborn etc. When in fact, I was pretty easy going, sensitive and not all that stubborn. I was given labels my entire life! Not just by others but also by me.

This last year, I fully understood the power of labels. The power of removing them!
Labels are definitions of who you are ... how silly it is we hang onto those labels without learning if they are true or not. Sometimes we simply live up to them.

If you are ready to release your labels...let's get started.
Begin writing down all the labels you have in all areas. Here are a few listed.

1. physical: Are you a daughter, Mother, Brother, Father, sister, gender, skin color, tall, short etc.
2. Business: What is your career, education background, income level, etc
3. Spiritual: what religion are you, what beliefs create labels, are you spiritual or not etc

You get the idea. Now get to work ..... message me and give me ONE label you are giving up (removing) and why.

Have fun!


Monday, June 20, 2011

Ever After

Here I'm sitting at my daughter's house, getting kids settled down and watching the movie. Interesting how stories develop over time. I'm not going to go through the movie chapter by chapter so if you want to know the movie details, you must rent it.

The point I gathered and pondered throughout was the development of stories. We all have stories that began somewhere, over time we or others embellish them to fit the situation.

It's interesting how I have learned that what I thought was a big deal when I was younger doesn't seem such a big deal as an adult. The story that sticks out in my mind, that was huge as I was growing up, was I had red hair. Red hair is not that big a deal but when you are the ONLY person in the whole entire school --- yes in ALL grades (Kindergarten thru 6th) with red hair, you kinda stand out! I truly felt like an alien.

I was told I had a hot temper, I was hard headed, stubborn etc. When in fact, I was pretty easy going, sensitive and not all that stubborn. I was given labels my entire life! Not just by others but also by me.

This last year, I fully understood the power of labels. The power of removing them!
Labels are definitions of who you are ... how silly it is we hang onto those labels without learning if they are true or not. Sometimes we simply live up to them.

If you are ready to release your labels...let's get started.
Begin writing down all the labels you have in all areas. Here are a few listed.

1. physical: Are you a daughter, Mother, Brother, Father, sister, gender, skin color, tall, short etc.
2. Business: What is your career, education background, income level, etc
3. Spiritual: what religion are you, what beliefs create labels, are you spiritual or not etc

You get the idea. Now get to work ..... message me and give me ONE label you are giving up (removing) and why.

Have fun!


Renatus Income Opportunity Presentation Part 1

Part 2

Part 3