This morning I have been pondering all the things in my life I'm grateful for. It's amazing how abundant life becomes when you can spot those things of importance. The most significance is relationships. I'm not sure why I was so hesitant to connect with others, including my own husband and children. What a great journey I have been on and so blessed to have this time to learn more about how amazing my family and friends are. My gratitude is indescribable!!
Our children think it's a bit strange at times because that is not what they grew up with. I figured I was doing them a favor not connecting with them, thinking they would be disappointed in my short comings AND me a favor because then I wouldn't get hurt. Silly thoughts but they were very real.
In Napoleon Hill's book "Think and Grow Rich", one of his 6 fears... fear of loss of love. I would never have believed this was a strong driving force behind why I did what I did. The other big fear was .... fear of criticism. This one made sense, I grew up where I could do nothing right, according to everyone in my life such as; Teachers, Mother, Sister, Friends, Neighbors etc. I mean no one!!! I either talked to much or too little, did too much or to little, expected to do great in school but didn't, even my 7th grade choir teacher asked me in front of the class, "what in heaven's name are even doing in this class? You can't sing!" She suggested I not come back. Yes that is a true story.
It got so it became true for me as well. I self judged myself as never being good enough. When I married and started our family, this made more sense as to why I stayed back from connecting to those that matter most in my life. Those fears felt real and strong. HOWEVER, when I learned and understood more about what fears are and where they come from, I began to walk through the darkness as I started my new journey towards love and acceptance. First person being myself! I knew if I couldn't accept and love myself -- I knew I could not give what I didn't have!
This holiday season, give yourself the ultimate gift.... the gift of acceptance and love of who you are ... the good, bad and ugly!
Create yourself a fabulous day!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Intention or decide
We hear all the time from the Success Guru's to place your intention out there and it will come to you. You can expect a certain outcome if you declare your intentions. If it's that easy why doesn't everyone have all that they want? Here's a few secrets to the game.
Let's get straight on our definitions so we can all be on the same page.
In the Webster's dictionary the definitions go as follows...
Intention: a determination to act in a certain way
Expectation: : the act or state of expecting : anticipation
Based off these two definitions, side by side can anyone quickly determine why these two don't belong together? If you read my other post about 'Currents' in our life, it would be easy to spot. Intention is throwing an idea out to the Universe, God, whatever your belief is, to receive the result you are looking for, while Expectation is the under current throwing it back. Now can you see why they block each other out?
Now that we understand who and what they each mean, let's put it to work so we can start seeing the results we are seeking. You first have to know what you want to happen. Let's say you are seeking $100,000 in the next 90 days. In my business, that's easily attainable. You begin by sending out your Intention...I deposited $100,000 in my bank account on or before __________(date) you want this to happen. In 90 days nothing happens. WHY?
Expectations are the killer of all good intentions. Think about that last scenario, you intend to deposit $100,000 into your bank account on or before 90 days out. You expect that to happen because you fully believe it will. Ummm, you killed it before it even got out of the gate. Expectations come from how you see things happening. Your expectations come from your physical, logical side of how you determine how things will work. You work towards what you know.
Interesting how we look, interpret, and understand how life works. Be a follower to my blog and learn the secrets to getting what you want, sooner, faster, and more abundantly than ever!!!
Create yourself a fabulous day...
Let's get straight on our definitions so we can all be on the same page.
In the Webster's dictionary the definitions go as follows...
Intention: a determination to act in a certain way
Expectation: : the act or state of expecting : anticipation
Based off these two definitions, side by side can anyone quickly determine why these two don't belong together? If you read my other post about 'Currents' in our life, it would be easy to spot. Intention is throwing an idea out to the Universe, God, whatever your belief is, to receive the result you are looking for, while Expectation is the under current throwing it back. Now can you see why they block each other out?
Now that we understand who and what they each mean, let's put it to work so we can start seeing the results we are seeking. You first have to know what you want to happen. Let's say you are seeking $100,000 in the next 90 days. In my business, that's easily attainable. You begin by sending out your Intention...I deposited $100,000 in my bank account on or before __________(date) you want this to happen. In 90 days nothing happens. WHY?
Expectations are the killer of all good intentions. Think about that last scenario, you intend to deposit $100,000 into your bank account on or before 90 days out. You expect that to happen because you fully believe it will. Ummm, you killed it before it even got out of the gate. Expectations come from how you see things happening. Your expectations come from your physical, logical side of how you determine how things will work. You work towards what you know.
Interesting how we look, interpret, and understand how life works. Be a follower to my blog and learn the secrets to getting what you want, sooner, faster, and more abundantly than ever!!!
Create yourself a fabulous day...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
"How you do anything is How you do everything" ~ T. Harv Eker
What Real Estate characteristics determine your level of Success? Are you a do-it-yourself kind of person, a know it all? Do you mastermind with a group of like minded individuals? OR do you feel everyone is out to take advantage of you?
After reading the book "The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker a whole new world opened up for me. I understood his statement deeply, "How you do anything is how you do everything".
Wow, my hesitation to make a decision BEFORE I had all my facts became clear, that was my greatest block in Real Estate. I found myself not committing to anything until I understood every step. My fear of doing something wrong without knowing it, paralyzed me. How silly is that? Some would say I was simply cautious, you decide.
I meet people every day who seem to have that same attitude, show me the steps BEFORE I decide this is what I want to do. I can sure appreciate that! In anything, how can you understand the steps before you take them? Striving to understand a future event before it happens? Not likely!
They ask me to Mentor them. ( What they don't know is how I watch how they make decisions. You may say I'm being judgmental. I say I am discerning whether to work with them or not. Let's get clear between judgment and discernment. When I judge, I am deciding someone else's beliefs are not correct. When I discern, I observe behavior and decide if I want to participate. Watching, allows me a chance to decide for myself if I will work with them. And it shows me clearly how they will work on their end. "How they do anything is how they do everything".
When they ask for a Mentor, what they are really saying is I lack personal confidence and don't want to own my choices. I don't want to make a mistake. Can you see how they lack responsibility for themselves with this thought process? They are trying to push their responsibility of learning back onto me. I simply don't take it.
Let's compare if they choose a Mentor. They are willing to forge ahead, taking on greater education to learn for themselves and using me only as a guide. That thought process is totally different. I'm there for them all day long! (
What characteristics show me the difference?
It's like with cooking. You can bake a cake anywhere but elevation, temperature and humidity play a part. If you don't know that, your cakes will come out different every time. Is it possible to have the person learning see EVERY possible difference on their first cake? No You can explain the differences but until they take the steps themselves and do it enough times, they will never know.
"How you do anything is how you do everything", can you see the basic thought processes connecting?
You can also use, going to school. You can sign up for a class, feeling excited or feeling the anxiety because it's all new material to learn. Your first day of class you decide it's not for did poorly on an entrance exam or you decided you already know the material. Time to ask, why are you going to school? To get educated, to learn new stuff BECAUSE you don't know the information already? Or do you walk away from a difficult class because you are embarrassed you don't already KNOW the information and don't want to fail or look stupid amongst your peers? Or do you walk away because you already know the material and don't feel you can learn anything new?
How do you move forward in learning a new skill? Is education a cost or a value to you?
Join one of my Investor Forum's, see for yourself the power of Real Estate Investing. Decide it's the direction you see for yourself. Let's get started going over those transactions so you can learn those steps to build confidence each day.
Create yourself a fabulous day
After reading the book "The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker a whole new world opened up for me. I understood his statement deeply, "How you do anything is how you do everything".
Wow, my hesitation to make a decision BEFORE I had all my facts became clear, that was my greatest block in Real Estate. I found myself not committing to anything until I understood every step. My fear of doing something wrong without knowing it, paralyzed me. How silly is that? Some would say I was simply cautious, you decide.
I meet people every day who seem to have that same attitude, show me the steps BEFORE I decide this is what I want to do. I can sure appreciate that! In anything, how can you understand the steps before you take them? Striving to understand a future event before it happens? Not likely!
They ask me to Mentor them. ( What they don't know is how I watch how they make decisions. You may say I'm being judgmental. I say I am discerning whether to work with them or not. Let's get clear between judgment and discernment. When I judge, I am deciding someone else's beliefs are not correct. When I discern, I observe behavior and decide if I want to participate. Watching, allows me a chance to decide for myself if I will work with them. And it shows me clearly how they will work on their end. "How they do anything is how they do everything".
When they ask for a Mentor, what they are really saying is I lack personal confidence and don't want to own my choices. I don't want to make a mistake. Can you see how they lack responsibility for themselves with this thought process? They are trying to push their responsibility of learning back onto me. I simply don't take it.
Let's compare if they choose a Mentor. They are willing to forge ahead, taking on greater education to learn for themselves and using me only as a guide. That thought process is totally different. I'm there for them all day long! (
What characteristics show me the difference?
It's like with cooking. You can bake a cake anywhere but elevation, temperature and humidity play a part. If you don't know that, your cakes will come out different every time. Is it possible to have the person learning see EVERY possible difference on their first cake? No You can explain the differences but until they take the steps themselves and do it enough times, they will never know.
"How you do anything is how you do everything", can you see the basic thought processes connecting?
You can also use, going to school. You can sign up for a class, feeling excited or feeling the anxiety because it's all new material to learn. Your first day of class you decide it's not for did poorly on an entrance exam or you decided you already know the material. Time to ask, why are you going to school? To get educated, to learn new stuff BECAUSE you don't know the information already? Or do you walk away from a difficult class because you are embarrassed you don't already KNOW the information and don't want to fail or look stupid amongst your peers? Or do you walk away because you already know the material and don't feel you can learn anything new?
How do you move forward in learning a new skill? Is education a cost or a value to you?
Join one of my Investor Forum's, see for yourself the power of Real Estate Investing. Decide it's the direction you see for yourself. Let's get started going over those transactions so you can learn those steps to build confidence each day.
Create yourself a fabulous day
real estate investing,
retirement education
Friday, October 15, 2010
Currents...ride them dude - Righteous!
Currents are everywhere! In our life, in the ocean, in the air, just to name a few. Take the ocean for example:
There are two types of Ocean Currents:
1. Surface Currents--
These waters make up about 10% of all the water in the ocean.
2. Deep Water Currents--
These waters make up the other 90% of the ocean
AND these Ocean Currents are influenced by two types of forces
1. Primary Forces--start the water moving
2. Secondary Forces--influence where the currents flow
Webster's Dictionary definition: a current reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals
If we look at how simple that explanation is, then comparing the ocean & life's currents is not so hard. In life, as in the ocean, there are primary forces. Those are the forces that begin movement. It's called life desires, a desire to figure out a different result, a plan to accomplish something different than what we are currently doing. Each one creating momentum.
This is where a new current begins to take shape. Surface currents make up 10% of all the water in the ocean, we could then say, 10% of all change in life comes from desire. Desire is good, it begins the process of changing or improving our current situations. It starts the movement. But it goes deeper than that.
If you really want to improve, then you must get down to the deep water currents, like the oceans... 90% of what happens in the ocean stems from here. 90% of what creates our truest form of change is in our core belief's.
Let me explain by using my equation: ( Belief's x Thoughts = Sub-conscious) + words + Action = Results
Our Ego (Sub-conscious) is made up of our beliefs & thoughts. Ego is about accomplishment. Ego is happy when it can protect you. Let's talk about how our Ego is created, becoming an issue or under current for our discussion.
Our Ego began forming the minute we were born. Our minds picked up on everything that was said & felt, adding how we interpreted our experiences as we got older. Think of an experience in your past, something significant. Like your first day of school? did you feel insecure, were you afraid, thinking you will make a fool of yourself, feel inferior? were you excited? Well, how much did you dwell on that?
The time you dwelt on it, imprinted it deeper and deeper into your subconscious to create --- (almost like a record) --a rule for the EGO to work with. Ha Ha, most of you reading this are too young to remember records. Well, I’ll tell you they created records by creating grooves and those grooves are what created the music. If you got a scratch on the record, it would skip and skip over and over again. In essence a scratch created an interruption to the music.
I’ll share with you one of my experiences. I remember Christmas. I always have my excitement of anticipation build and build until I could hardly stand it. I still do...can’t keep Christmas presents a secret without a great deal of control :) ha ha, that’s why we open our Christmas presents at 3:00am ---- way too excited I simply can’t sleep.
I remember one Christmas more than any others. I received so many presents I was lost. I couldn’t remember what I got to save my life. What made this so impressionable? I wanted a certain dress more than anything. I believe I was 5 at the time. I couldn’t stop talking about this dress over and over. My thoughts were obsessed, I was so excited, I just knew I was getting it. The point I want to make is I kept hearing my Mom tell me to have “faith” and IF I had enough faith it would come “true”. I fully believed her!
Well, with my little girl understanding, I prayed and prayed to “get” the dress. Who can guess what the outcome was? NO I didn’t get the dress. I was so disappointed I had to figure out how to deal with that level of disappointment. What rule do you think my Ego took on? You got it, “don’t get your hopes us because you will only get disappointed, dreams don’t come true” Now, how do you think I went forward from this point. Exactly, not hoping for something because my EGO graciously reminded me “you won’t get it anyway”. In essence, my Ego took away my choice. My Ego dictated my thought process.
Is it time to create a scratch in your Sub-conscious record? If you answered yes, stay tuned for the next blog...
Create yourself a fabulous day!
There are two types of Ocean Currents:
1. Surface Currents--
These waters make up about 10% of all the water in the ocean.
2. Deep Water Currents--
These waters make up the other 90% of the ocean
AND these Ocean Currents are influenced by two types of forces
1. Primary Forces--start the water moving
2. Secondary Forces--influence where the currents flow
Webster's Dictionary definition: a current reverses its direction at regularly recurring intervals
If we look at how simple that explanation is, then comparing the ocean & life's currents is not so hard. In life, as in the ocean, there are primary forces. Those are the forces that begin movement. It's called life desires, a desire to figure out a different result, a plan to accomplish something different than what we are currently doing. Each one creating momentum.
This is where a new current begins to take shape. Surface currents make up 10% of all the water in the ocean, we could then say, 10% of all change in life comes from desire. Desire is good, it begins the process of changing or improving our current situations. It starts the movement. But it goes deeper than that.
If you really want to improve, then you must get down to the deep water currents, like the oceans... 90% of what happens in the ocean stems from here. 90% of what creates our truest form of change is in our core belief's.
Let me explain by using my equation: ( Belief's x Thoughts = Sub-conscious) + words + Action = Results
Our Ego (Sub-conscious) is made up of our beliefs & thoughts. Ego is about accomplishment. Ego is happy when it can protect you. Let's talk about how our Ego is created, becoming an issue or under current for our discussion.
Our Ego began forming the minute we were born. Our minds picked up on everything that was said & felt, adding how we interpreted our experiences as we got older. Think of an experience in your past, something significant. Like your first day of school? did you feel insecure, were you afraid, thinking you will make a fool of yourself, feel inferior? were you excited? Well, how much did you dwell on that?
The time you dwelt on it, imprinted it deeper and deeper into your subconscious to create --- (almost like a record) --a rule for the EGO to work with. Ha Ha, most of you reading this are too young to remember records. Well, I’ll tell you they created records by creating grooves and those grooves are what created the music. If you got a scratch on the record, it would skip and skip over and over again. In essence a scratch created an interruption to the music.
I’ll share with you one of my experiences. I remember Christmas. I always have my excitement of anticipation build and build until I could hardly stand it. I still do...can’t keep Christmas presents a secret without a great deal of control :) ha ha, that’s why we open our Christmas presents at 3:00am ---- way too excited I simply can’t sleep.
I remember one Christmas more than any others. I received so many presents I was lost. I couldn’t remember what I got to save my life. What made this so impressionable? I wanted a certain dress more than anything. I believe I was 5 at the time. I couldn’t stop talking about this dress over and over. My thoughts were obsessed, I was so excited, I just knew I was getting it. The point I want to make is I kept hearing my Mom tell me to have “faith” and IF I had enough faith it would come “true”. I fully believed her!
Well, with my little girl understanding, I prayed and prayed to “get” the dress. Who can guess what the outcome was? NO I didn’t get the dress. I was so disappointed I had to figure out how to deal with that level of disappointment. What rule do you think my Ego took on? You got it, “don’t get your hopes us because you will only get disappointed, dreams don’t come true” Now, how do you think I went forward from this point. Exactly, not hoping for something because my EGO graciously reminded me “you won’t get it anyway”. In essence, my Ego took away my choice. My Ego dictated my thought process.
Is it time to create a scratch in your Sub-conscious record? If you answered yes, stay tuned for the next blog...
Create yourself a fabulous day!
self improvement,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Are you hungry?
I am so blessed to have others share their insights and perspectives with me. I enjoy learning the stories of others. I especially enjoy hearing the stories of my children and grand children. By stories I mean how they understand life, how they understand where they are and where they are going, how they understand and explain their thoughts, how they interpret the world, religion and others. You see, I wasn't always that open to hearing their stories. After "growing up", I learned there is no right or wrong story, just stories. My story is right for me because I'm writing it. Their story is right for them because they are creating it for themselves.
It's all similar to a playwright. We all have a personal play we are writing every moment of every day. We are the main characters in our play. We write in others as key characters, however what happens if that key character you feel is to be in your play, decides not to be? That when frustrations come, hurt feelings happen and we are confused as to why they can't simply see themselves as a key character in our play!
Until we learn we are our own playwright-er, we fill the role of puppet. Someone else is in control of our story. That is frustrating in itself. How many of us have these constant questions or thoughts?
1 Why do I feel so out of control?
2. Why must I have obstacles thrown in my way on a daily basis?
3. Can't I just have a minute of calm? of peace?
4. I am so frustrated I could scream!
5. I thought life was to be happy? I'm NOT happy!!
6. They make it sound so easy, life is just too hard!
If you can relate to any or all of these questions or thoughts then it's time you begin to understand who is in charge. You are!!
We do not have to agree to be in anyone else' play. We have agency that allows us to discern between good and evil. We can decide if we want to be a key character in someone else' play or not. Now are you feeling the power come back? Now are you starting to understand how empowered you can be? Maybe you are saying yes but now wondering how you can do that.
Your first step is to understand completely your story is not always the only story. You read that right, such is life! You are not always right. I bet some of you reading this post will become livid, uncomfortable, and asking what do I know, asking how could she say such a thing, doesn't she understand? Yes Yes and Yes, I do get it. I was that way for years. I'm not proud to say, I raised my children with the firmness I was right. Even if I wasn't, they didn't have to know. It scared me if they deviated from my story. It wasn't easy living with a Mother who "had" to be right. It kept me from hearing them, it kept me from learning how they felt. Most importantly, it became clear, I almost lost them.
I no longer am like those religious fanatics who read one verse of scripture and decides I know it all, No longer do I hear one sentence and decide, I know the whole story. If I hear a certain tone of voice, I no longer jump to conclusions that I understand the whole situation. I'm glad I figured it out to a small degree before it was too late. I have experienced a freedom that is hard to describe. Freedom to be me, freedom to love others just as they are. Freedom to decide what story I become part of.
I'm learning unconditional love. Unconditional love for myself, following Christ's example. He loved others no matter what! He loved how or what they believed. He may not have agreed, but he allowed them their agency to write their story. He didn't judge them. Now for those who adamantly disagree he didn't judge them...I'm sure your first response is, "he did judge, he judged righteously!" ....Please understand first the definition of judgment vs discernment.
Define...Righteous: morally right or justifiable -- proving you are right.
Judgment: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion
He NEVER forced others to believe he was right! He accepted them for who they were, he loved those good, bad and ugly!
It's time we feed ourselves with perfect love. Going inward to the "Christ within" to accept who we are, accept the good, bad and ugly of our self. Once we learn who we fully are, we can keep the light of Christ shining so other's can see their own path. We are of infinite worth, if you are doubting that then review the definition of "worthy"...Worthy definition: having worth or value --- we already have it so why do we define ourselves by working towards being worthy? It’s a mark that already exists.
It's time you become the playwrighter and stop being the puppet. Remember, we can not give to others what we don't have
Create yourself a fabulous day,
It's all similar to a playwright. We all have a personal play we are writing every moment of every day. We are the main characters in our play. We write in others as key characters, however what happens if that key character you feel is to be in your play, decides not to be? That when frustrations come, hurt feelings happen and we are confused as to why they can't simply see themselves as a key character in our play!
Until we learn we are our own playwright-er, we fill the role of puppet. Someone else is in control of our story. That is frustrating in itself. How many of us have these constant questions or thoughts?
1 Why do I feel so out of control?
2. Why must I have obstacles thrown in my way on a daily basis?
3. Can't I just have a minute of calm? of peace?
4. I am so frustrated I could scream!
5. I thought life was to be happy? I'm NOT happy!!
6. They make it sound so easy, life is just too hard!
If you can relate to any or all of these questions or thoughts then it's time you begin to understand who is in charge. You are!!
We do not have to agree to be in anyone else' play. We have agency that allows us to discern between good and evil. We can decide if we want to be a key character in someone else' play or not. Now are you feeling the power come back? Now are you starting to understand how empowered you can be? Maybe you are saying yes but now wondering how you can do that.
Your first step is to understand completely your story is not always the only story. You read that right, such is life! You are not always right. I bet some of you reading this post will become livid, uncomfortable, and asking what do I know, asking how could she say such a thing, doesn't she understand? Yes Yes and Yes, I do get it. I was that way for years. I'm not proud to say, I raised my children with the firmness I was right. Even if I wasn't, they didn't have to know. It scared me if they deviated from my story. It wasn't easy living with a Mother who "had" to be right. It kept me from hearing them, it kept me from learning how they felt. Most importantly, it became clear, I almost lost them.
I no longer am like those religious fanatics who read one verse of scripture and decides I know it all, No longer do I hear one sentence and decide, I know the whole story. If I hear a certain tone of voice, I no longer jump to conclusions that I understand the whole situation. I'm glad I figured it out to a small degree before it was too late. I have experienced a freedom that is hard to describe. Freedom to be me, freedom to love others just as they are. Freedom to decide what story I become part of.
I'm learning unconditional love. Unconditional love for myself, following Christ's example. He loved others no matter what! He loved how or what they believed. He may not have agreed, but he allowed them their agency to write their story. He didn't judge them. Now for those who adamantly disagree he didn't judge them...I'm sure your first response is, "he did judge, he judged righteously!" ....Please understand first the definition of judgment vs discernment.
Define...Righteous: morally right or justifiable -- proving you are right.
Judgment: a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion
He NEVER forced others to believe he was right! He accepted them for who they were, he loved those good, bad and ugly!
It's time we feed ourselves with perfect love. Going inward to the "Christ within" to accept who we are, accept the good, bad and ugly of our self. Once we learn who we fully are, we can keep the light of Christ shining so other's can see their own path. We are of infinite worth, if you are doubting that then review the definition of "worthy"...Worthy definition: having worth or value --- we already have it so why do we define ourselves by working towards being worthy? It’s a mark that already exists.
It's time you become the playwrighter and stop being the puppet. Remember, we can not give to others what we don't have
Create yourself a fabulous day,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Forward Momentum is a choice...
I'm sitting here in my beautiful backyard contemplating what to write. I have had amazing experiences just in the last week. Let me share some of them with you. First, I went to Denver last weekend to attend their Wealth Summit. Jen Matlock was the instructor and I knew she would give me some golden nuggets, she is smart and willing to share all she knows. I was right, I did receive some golden nuggets. You see, I have an Arizona property we are taking to close. This is the most fun and stressful time of the whole transaction.
It's a timing thing. Taking all the parties involved to do what you expect them to do and put it together perfectly. Like a Thanksgiving dinner...tons of dishes ready to eat at the same time. This process begins once an approval letter is received. Negotiations begin, yes I said negotiations. Our approval letter is for $84,000 to close on or before October 15, 2010. Well, here's the thing...I begin marketing my properties once I receive my approval letter. I'm fast but not that fast. I don't have a doubt the property will get sold, but unless it was a cash offer I couldn't close it simultaneously with my approved price. Yes, I could close it with the bank for $84,000 but that would require having short term financing vs 24 hour funds, which cuts into my profits that I protect viciously! And it would take substantial funds out of my own pocket to make short term financing work. My new offer comes in for $80,000.
I also begin negotiating for an extension with the lender, hoping to give me another 30 days which would put me in a position to use 24 hour funds. Well, after reviewing the conditions of the approval letter I see a clause I can't live with. It's telling me I can't resell it for 30 days or they will consider it "flipping"....which is so far from what "flipping" is all about. If you want to learn more about that, then go to my website and sign up for a Wealth Summit. Most would walk away from this deal, why? It's because they don't know what they are doing, scared and not willing to learn. I am renegotiating with the lender to remove that clause. They know I'm an investor, they know I intend to resell this property, they know the Seller/Owner knows my intention etc. Their fear is money will be given to the seller and not to them. Well, the seller isn't getting any money from this transaction so nothing to worry about right?
Where does the bittersweet come in? To market the property and receive greater profit, I must clean it up. A fresh coat of paint is being put on as I type this...not by me but by someone I hired to work for me. The yard is getting cleaned up and the carpets are getting cleaned in the next few days. I have turned the utilities on in my name ALL before it's mine. Why would I do that? I believe that is why most people won't pull the trigger and buy a property. They don't want any risk, they are not willing to do what it takes to build their confidence in learning how to do this. If Real Estate was easy everyone would be doing's not easy BUT it's simple. I have a calculated risk. Let's look at the worst case scenario...if I didn't close what would I really be out? Only money, but what would I have gained? I would have gained greater confidence in taking a transaction this far. Either way I look at this, I've won!
In reality, I'm not without struggle. I learned to strengthen my emotions. Moving forward with the confidence that the end result will happen just as I planned. Will I have hurdles to overcome? Probably, but I'm emotionally fit to not feel them as much as I use to. I'm happy with my growth, my strengthening experiences its what brought me to this point. That is why I coach others, mentor others and direct others along their path, all because I have been down that road.
I almost forgot! I haven't told you what I'm marketing it for. My sells price is $115,000. My marketing officially begins Oct. 1st. To put this in perspective, the original mortgage was over $200,000 and the Retail value is $119,000-$121,000. I'm priced below market value and buyers are lined up ready to go look. They are simply waiting for the work to be completed. I'm excited to sit down at the closing table....exhilarated to feel the accomplishment of a transaction completed. I Love cashing my check and then, do it all over again. How many hours have I spent on this property? My guess is less than 10 hours total. Not a bad paycheck if I say so myself!!!
Where does that leave us? Real Estate, Real Fun in Real Time....
Go create yourself a fabulous day!
It's a timing thing. Taking all the parties involved to do what you expect them to do and put it together perfectly. Like a Thanksgiving dinner...tons of dishes ready to eat at the same time. This process begins once an approval letter is received. Negotiations begin, yes I said negotiations. Our approval letter is for $84,000 to close on or before October 15, 2010. Well, here's the thing...I begin marketing my properties once I receive my approval letter. I'm fast but not that fast. I don't have a doubt the property will get sold, but unless it was a cash offer I couldn't close it simultaneously with my approved price. Yes, I could close it with the bank for $84,000 but that would require having short term financing vs 24 hour funds, which cuts into my profits that I protect viciously! And it would take substantial funds out of my own pocket to make short term financing work. My new offer comes in for $80,000.
I also begin negotiating for an extension with the lender, hoping to give me another 30 days which would put me in a position to use 24 hour funds. Well, after reviewing the conditions of the approval letter I see a clause I can't live with. It's telling me I can't resell it for 30 days or they will consider it "flipping"....which is so far from what "flipping" is all about. If you want to learn more about that, then go to my website and sign up for a Wealth Summit. Most would walk away from this deal, why? It's because they don't know what they are doing, scared and not willing to learn. I am renegotiating with the lender to remove that clause. They know I'm an investor, they know I intend to resell this property, they know the Seller/Owner knows my intention etc. Their fear is money will be given to the seller and not to them. Well, the seller isn't getting any money from this transaction so nothing to worry about right?
Where does the bittersweet come in? To market the property and receive greater profit, I must clean it up. A fresh coat of paint is being put on as I type this...not by me but by someone I hired to work for me. The yard is getting cleaned up and the carpets are getting cleaned in the next few days. I have turned the utilities on in my name ALL before it's mine. Why would I do that? I believe that is why most people won't pull the trigger and buy a property. They don't want any risk, they are not willing to do what it takes to build their confidence in learning how to do this. If Real Estate was easy everyone would be doing's not easy BUT it's simple. I have a calculated risk. Let's look at the worst case scenario...if I didn't close what would I really be out? Only money, but what would I have gained? I would have gained greater confidence in taking a transaction this far. Either way I look at this, I've won!
In reality, I'm not without struggle. I learned to strengthen my emotions. Moving forward with the confidence that the end result will happen just as I planned. Will I have hurdles to overcome? Probably, but I'm emotionally fit to not feel them as much as I use to. I'm happy with my growth, my strengthening experiences its what brought me to this point. That is why I coach others, mentor others and direct others along their path, all because I have been down that road.
I almost forgot! I haven't told you what I'm marketing it for. My sells price is $115,000. My marketing officially begins Oct. 1st. To put this in perspective, the original mortgage was over $200,000 and the Retail value is $119,000-$121,000. I'm priced below market value and buyers are lined up ready to go look. They are simply waiting for the work to be completed. I'm excited to sit down at the closing table....exhilarated to feel the accomplishment of a transaction completed. I Love cashing my check and then, do it all over again. How many hours have I spent on this property? My guess is less than 10 hours total. Not a bad paycheck if I say so myself!!!
Where does that leave us? Real Estate, Real Fun in Real Time....
Go create yourself a fabulous day!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Mindset...are you gelling? or already set?
You are receiving this post because we have had conversation, in the past for some and more recent for others, on your interest to improve your financial situation. Has anything changed? Are you still feeling stuck, under paid, living paycheck to paycheck? Well, you want to have things different, you want more money, you want freedom....have you thought you already have everything and it's simply your perspective that needs adjustment? Maybe it's a shift in words you use? I know, success is a learnable skill. Either you choose to learn it or remain dreaming about it then condemning yourself and blaming others when you don't achieve it. It all comes down to YOU! It's your choice, no one else...period.
Remember, what you focus on expands. Which means if you focus on "wanting" you get more "want" ... does "want" satisfy? No, what about focusing on "freedom"? You already have "freedom", are you looking for a carefree lifestyle instead? Carefree means without worry. Would a carefree financial lifestyle be your intention to achieve?
As T. Harv Ecker states..."Think about it this way: Energy is contagious! Either you affect people or infect people. The same holds true the opposite way around; either people affect or infect you. Which bug would you rather catch?"
If you are interested in the full read, go to
Success is a personal definition, it means something different to each person, however I know Real Estate Investing has the greatest leverage to create that carefree lifestyle you each are searching for. Like my friend Zeke Zucaro says. "It's time you get up off the couch and buy a house!"
Create yourself a great day!
Remember, what you focus on expands. Which means if you focus on "wanting" you get more "want" ... does "want" satisfy? No, what about focusing on "freedom"? You already have "freedom", are you looking for a carefree lifestyle instead? Carefree means without worry. Would a carefree financial lifestyle be your intention to achieve?
As T. Harv Ecker states..."Think about it this way: Energy is contagious! Either you affect people or infect people. The same holds true the opposite way around; either people affect or infect you. Which bug would you rather catch?"
If you are interested in the full read, go to
Success is a personal definition, it means something different to each person, however I know Real Estate Investing has the greatest leverage to create that carefree lifestyle you each are searching for. Like my friend Zeke Zucaro says. "It's time you get up off the couch and buy a house!"
Create yourself a great day!
buy a house,
financial improvement,
self improvement
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Today is Wednesday, a day that is offering great reflection. I am reviewing my business plan for 2011, my marketing plan for 2011. Reflecting on thoughts that have assisted me...Rambling on in my head. I thought this morning I would do something most would never even consider, that is a 20 minute writing. I do them often but I usually am writing, not typing. I promise I will go back and reread this to make sense out of my random thoughts. When you are writing, that is one of the "rules", not to rewrite your words. When you reread them you will know what your core issue is hiding deep down. The more your do these exercises, the deeper you clean.
This is being pretty open for me. I am walking through what I guide my coaching clients through to give them an awakening. I thought I had already been awake, but now knowing we all go to sleep as well and awakening is an ongoing activity. Funny how I learn so much from my 20 minute writings. I can do them because no one else ever has to read them. My kids or husband may find my notes in journals then all the truth will come out. A part of me wants to know when I am to die, I have considered burning them. What good would that do? keep me hidden from the ones I love? Silly statement when I see it written out. But truth is like that, learning to know who you are with full acceptance, well anytime you want to hide you are not accepting. I feel resistance in writing down what is in my head for fear of retribution or criticism. Funny how that always is the case, I try to be open but when I am I get reprimanded because I'm not following someone 's. I have simply learned to keep it to myself. Interesting. When Doug and I were driving home from Highland, UT we stopped at a red light. Doug mentioned we could turn and get to Draper from here. Great idea but I was still drawn to go straight into the traffic, construction and willing to participate in a longer drive home ALL because it was familiar to me. I was startled at how hard it was for me to deviate from my norm, my normal actions. Long story short, we turned and enjoyed a pleasant drive to Draper without the traffic and construction. Beautiful views, great weather and great company.
If any of you reading this... you can see I simply ramble. Pause, Pause, Pause, I'll do it! I am faced with negative thoughts, thoughts of me not good enough right now. I only have three houses I'm working on, to me that's not enough. I find myself in the same cycle over and over never doing or being enough. That right there is false! I know I am good enough and I know I do enough. I can only do what I do that moment and it's the best I can give right then. Can I become even better? YES that is the goal but you notice I said "even better" which gives me the words of acceptance but improvement all at the same time. It don't hear lack of anything. It pushes me forward to become even better than before. That feels good.
I was wondering who I could talk to, receive council from but I realize I have put myself in the position of leader. People come to me to get council not to give it. Being that leader is sometimes a lonely place so I revert to my 20 minute writings.
I am learning to be more open to others about my feelings of lack, my feelings of not being good enough. That is hard all reverting back to the fear of being criticized, fear of rejection, fear of retribution. Interesting facts I have learned about myself. Showing me I have more work to do to walk through these fears.
After this writing I am more motivated to enhance my killer marketing plan, my killer business plan :) Love it!!!! I get so pumped after I write because of clarity --- the reason I do what I do becomes the driving force of my day. Love it!!!
This is being pretty open for me. I am walking through what I guide my coaching clients through to give them an awakening. I thought I had already been awake, but now knowing we all go to sleep as well and awakening is an ongoing activity. Funny how I learn so much from my 20 minute writings. I can do them because no one else ever has to read them. My kids or husband may find my notes in journals then all the truth will come out. A part of me wants to know when I am to die, I have considered burning them. What good would that do? keep me hidden from the ones I love? Silly statement when I see it written out. But truth is like that, learning to know who you are with full acceptance, well anytime you want to hide you are not accepting. I feel resistance in writing down what is in my head for fear of retribution or criticism. Funny how that always is the case, I try to be open but when I am I get reprimanded because I'm not following someone 's. I have simply learned to keep it to myself. Interesting. When Doug and I were driving home from Highland, UT we stopped at a red light. Doug mentioned we could turn and get to Draper from here. Great idea but I was still drawn to go straight into the traffic, construction and willing to participate in a longer drive home ALL because it was familiar to me. I was startled at how hard it was for me to deviate from my norm, my normal actions. Long story short, we turned and enjoyed a pleasant drive to Draper without the traffic and construction. Beautiful views, great weather and great company.
If any of you reading this... you can see I simply ramble. Pause, Pause, Pause, I'll do it! I am faced with negative thoughts, thoughts of me not good enough right now. I only have three houses I'm working on, to me that's not enough. I find myself in the same cycle over and over never doing or being enough. That right there is false! I know I am good enough and I know I do enough. I can only do what I do that moment and it's the best I can give right then. Can I become even better? YES that is the goal but you notice I said "even better" which gives me the words of acceptance but improvement all at the same time. It don't hear lack of anything. It pushes me forward to become even better than before. That feels good.
I was wondering who I could talk to, receive council from but I realize I have put myself in the position of leader. People come to me to get council not to give it. Being that leader is sometimes a lonely place so I revert to my 20 minute writings.
I am learning to be more open to others about my feelings of lack, my feelings of not being good enough. That is hard all reverting back to the fear of being criticized, fear of rejection, fear of retribution. Interesting facts I have learned about myself. Showing me I have more work to do to walk through these fears.
After this writing I am more motivated to enhance my killer marketing plan, my killer business plan :) Love it!!!! I get so pumped after I write because of clarity --- the reason I do what I do becomes the driving force of my day. Love it!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
As I was journaling this morning, the word kept coming up....Significance. What does that really mean. Interesting thoughts crept in my head as I was rethinking the Tony Robbins video I watched as he discussed Significance.
Go to ... ... to watch the full video. It's about 22 minutes long. Well worth it. He talks about why we do what we do. Each of us is seeking to be significant in some way, whether we know it or not. We want others to view us as valuable.
How are you going about doing that?
How are you going about sharing your value?
As you answer these questions, keep in mind to receive the fullness you are looking for it has to start from the inside. If you are looking for external validation then you will never feel significant. If you look within and learn who you really are, the truth of you! Then you will understand your direction on how to share your significance
Create yourself a fabulous day!
Go to ... ... to watch the full video. It's about 22 minutes long. Well worth it. He talks about why we do what we do. Each of us is seeking to be significant in some way, whether we know it or not. We want others to view us as valuable.
How are you going about doing that?
How are you going about sharing your value?
As you answer these questions, keep in mind to receive the fullness you are looking for it has to start from the inside. If you are looking for external validation then you will never feel significant. If you look within and learn who you really are, the truth of you! Then you will understand your direction on how to share your significance
Create yourself a fabulous day!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Leverage...great word but what does it really mean?
I was thinking of the word leverage. Leverage is a great tool to use when you need something other than your personal strength to get something done. How would one use leverage in Real Estate? How did the leverage of the banks lead us to ruin? I looked up the word Leverage and the definition is as follows: to use for gain : exploit (definition: a notable or heroic act) shamelessly (definition: a painful emotion caused by consciousness of guilt, shortcoming, or impropriety) leverage the system to their advantage — Alexander Wolff. By adding in the definitions of the not so common word, let's reword it to make sense for us normal people!
Leverage is use for gain, worthy of noting, leverage is used without consciousness of guilt or in accord with fact, truth or right procedure so they can take advantage of the system.
Rewriting it that way it sounds pretty underhanded. Is that how we interpret the word Leverage without even knowing it? Is that what keeps us stuck in the mundane cycle of our working careers? Is that what keeps us from learning the secrets of the Rich? Is that why we interpret or say "the rich will climb over anyone to get to the top", interesting for me. Now that could all be true but why is leverage so important to use?
I believe how I understand it now is to do that different from the "norm", different from solely being dependent on oneself. Why does that sound so contradicting? Sometimes you simply need assistance, agreed? Because one requires assistance does not mean they are weak, it does not mean they are not honest in their business dealings. Isn't that the core challenge we hear unconsciously with the reworded definition of leverage? Moving through life less than honest. We all strive to be honest people but don't we catch ourselves saying "he's not honest in his business dealings" or "it's business" that makes doing business anyway different than doing right by/to other people. As T. Harv Ecker states in his "Secrets of a Millionaire Mind", our money blueprint is a critical clue into our current situation. How does your bank account look?
How impressive would it be to learn the honest art of leverage? In real estate investing you can do that. You learn the correct way to conduct a transaction, treat others with respect but you can leverage your knowledge to squeeze out greater income from one deal. How? by learning how to do it right, by learning to understand how assets pay you and by learning how to remove the emotion out of the deal. You are buying the numbers! Period! If it doesn't work for the other party that's fine. Move on. Let's look at it this way...if you had $1.00 and you went to buy a candy bar that cost $1.50. You have a choice, either come up with the other .50cents or ask the owner if he would sell you that candy bar for $1.00. Now not only you have a choice but the owner has a choice. The worse thing that they could say is "no". They are not saying no to you, they are saying no to those numbers. Make sense?
Now to leverage your retirement fund with real estate investing....simply buy property through your R.F. and put the proceeds back into your account. Watch it grow exponentially tax free!!!! That my friends is the correct use of Leverage!!! now it's time to put it into effect and get started.
Create yourself a wonderful day!
Leverage is use for gain, worthy of noting, leverage is used without consciousness of guilt or in accord with fact, truth or right procedure so they can take advantage of the system.
Rewriting it that way it sounds pretty underhanded. Is that how we interpret the word Leverage without even knowing it? Is that what keeps us stuck in the mundane cycle of our working careers? Is that what keeps us from learning the secrets of the Rich? Is that why we interpret or say "the rich will climb over anyone to get to the top", interesting for me. Now that could all be true but why is leverage so important to use?
I believe how I understand it now is to do that different from the "norm", different from solely being dependent on oneself. Why does that sound so contradicting? Sometimes you simply need assistance, agreed? Because one requires assistance does not mean they are weak, it does not mean they are not honest in their business dealings. Isn't that the core challenge we hear unconsciously with the reworded definition of leverage? Moving through life less than honest. We all strive to be honest people but don't we catch ourselves saying "he's not honest in his business dealings" or "it's business" that makes doing business anyway different than doing right by/to other people. As T. Harv Ecker states in his "Secrets of a Millionaire Mind", our money blueprint is a critical clue into our current situation. How does your bank account look?
How impressive would it be to learn the honest art of leverage? In real estate investing you can do that. You learn the correct way to conduct a transaction, treat others with respect but you can leverage your knowledge to squeeze out greater income from one deal. How? by learning how to do it right, by learning to understand how assets pay you and by learning how to remove the emotion out of the deal. You are buying the numbers! Period! If it doesn't work for the other party that's fine. Move on. Let's look at it this way...if you had $1.00 and you went to buy a candy bar that cost $1.50. You have a choice, either come up with the other .50cents or ask the owner if he would sell you that candy bar for $1.00. Now not only you have a choice but the owner has a choice. The worse thing that they could say is "no". They are not saying no to you, they are saying no to those numbers. Make sense?
Now to leverage your retirement fund with real estate investing....simply buy property through your R.F. and put the proceeds back into your account. Watch it grow exponentially tax free!!!! That my friends is the correct use of Leverage!!! now it's time to put it into effect and get started.
Create yourself a wonderful day!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tired or Re...tired Yet?
Are you tired of feeling behind? Scared you will not have enough money during your older years? Is your fear of poverty blinding you to a faster and smarter way of building retirement funds?
Feeling behind is common. You are most likely someone who is working and has been working most of your life. Working is not bad but working to simply earn a paycheck is the traditional way. How's that working for you? If you have only a few years left, are you starting to feel the panic yet? I know how that feels. I felt so stuck, my back was against the wall. The older I was the less income I made. Jobs were few and far between. I knew I had to find a different way of looking at money. I saw other people living comfortably but was it too late for me? I had a decision to make, learn something different or be satisfied with working till I was 80. Social Security would take care of me for a few years... until it ran out, then what was my option?
Let's dive into what you can do. I started Investing in Real Estate 5 years ago (, other people did why not me? Honestly, my fear of losing everything was paralysing me. Come on, what did I really have to lose? I already was down to nothing? I stepped into the common sense corner and looked at what was available. I knew I wanted more than just learning a Real Estate strategy, I was thirsty for the business side of it. What did I know about how to save on taxes? How did I know I wouldn't be slammed with taxes and be buried alive? Did I want to start buying up property to have them all taken away? That was not my idea of being successful. I have been a loose cannon on tons of new adventures sure but this time, I wanted to be an educated loose cannon! When I started into this new venture, I was clueless. I'm not really proud of that but how else can I say it. I was clueless. I was familiar with the real estate basics but not the business side. I know there are so many people out there just as clueless as I was, that's when I decided to start writing. Writing what I have learned, putting it all out there fears and all. My blog, is where I post my thoughts. Joining others to take on their life before their retirement years is my passion. Giving others a choice in how they will spend their older years is rewarding... it's their choice if they will spend those years with peace of mind.
You can choose to work less and be paid more once you know how that is done. That can be scary in itself. Learning the unknown but knowing it exists because others have already walked the path of success. There are others out there who are successful in Real Estate Investing with their retirement funds secure. We hear everyday in this economy how scary Real Estate is, how bad the market is etc. For me, this economy is like a big swap meet. Everything is on sale. I buy property low then I sell it low, everyone wins!
Are you ready to learn what it takes to put financial peace of mind back into your life? Take a look at your old way of thinking, start with a new direction. Forward momentum is a choice. As this unknown author states so beautifully, “Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.”
Feeling behind is common. You are most likely someone who is working and has been working most of your life. Working is not bad but working to simply earn a paycheck is the traditional way. How's that working for you? If you have only a few years left, are you starting to feel the panic yet? I know how that feels. I felt so stuck, my back was against the wall. The older I was the less income I made. Jobs were few and far between. I knew I had to find a different way of looking at money. I saw other people living comfortably but was it too late for me? I had a decision to make, learn something different or be satisfied with working till I was 80. Social Security would take care of me for a few years... until it ran out, then what was my option?
Let's dive into what you can do. I started Investing in Real Estate 5 years ago (, other people did why not me? Honestly, my fear of losing everything was paralysing me. Come on, what did I really have to lose? I already was down to nothing? I stepped into the common sense corner and looked at what was available. I knew I wanted more than just learning a Real Estate strategy, I was thirsty for the business side of it. What did I know about how to save on taxes? How did I know I wouldn't be slammed with taxes and be buried alive? Did I want to start buying up property to have them all taken away? That was not my idea of being successful. I have been a loose cannon on tons of new adventures sure but this time, I wanted to be an educated loose cannon! When I started into this new venture, I was clueless. I'm not really proud of that but how else can I say it. I was clueless. I was familiar with the real estate basics but not the business side. I know there are so many people out there just as clueless as I was, that's when I decided to start writing. Writing what I have learned, putting it all out there fears and all. My blog, is where I post my thoughts. Joining others to take on their life before their retirement years is my passion. Giving others a choice in how they will spend their older years is rewarding... it's their choice if they will spend those years with peace of mind.
You can choose to work less and be paid more once you know how that is done. That can be scary in itself. Learning the unknown but knowing it exists because others have already walked the path of success. There are others out there who are successful in Real Estate Investing with their retirement funds secure. We hear everyday in this economy how scary Real Estate is, how bad the market is etc. For me, this economy is like a big swap meet. Everything is on sale. I buy property low then I sell it low, everyone wins!
Are you ready to learn what it takes to put financial peace of mind back into your life? Take a look at your old way of thinking, start with a new direction. Forward momentum is a choice. As this unknown author states so beautifully, “Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.”
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Take the Money and Run?
Retiree's debate this question everyday. Traditional pensions allow workers to take a lump sum distribution but is that really the best plan? Angie Marek from Smart Money states, "Taking a lump sum can also create tax complications..."
The real question is what is the best answer for you? Do you know what to do if you choose the lump sum option? Do you know what to do to avoid huge tax complications? I believe one should understand what the end result will be PRIOR to making a decision. I was always told by my good friend Brian Buffini, "When you put on those levi's and they don't fit remember, you didn't gain those 10lbs overnight." That may be a tongue and cheek answer but you didn't reach retirement age in one day. It has been over a life time of choices that has you where you are. Now to figure out what to do about it and hope you make the correct choice. I believe it's time to learn BEFORE you reach retirement age so you can create the outcome you are looking for. Others have, why not you?
As Jeff Carbone, a financial adviser in Cornelius, N.C. states...To the millions of workers scraping by with a crash-depleted 401(k), having a (lump sum) pension can seem like the next best thing to a lottery ticket...often on top of Social Security...many actual pension holders are quietly becoming casualties of the tough economy.... “The world is changing.”
There are several options out there for a person to grow their retirement funds safely. Creating that security we all are seeking. How much do you want to receive every month to live comfortably, not dependent on anyone else or the government? Think about it, does it really take age to retire? NO, it takes money. If you had your plan in place and you choose to retire at age 40 then go for it and have a blast! Is that possible? Yes it is if you know what you are doing. Is it time you figure out if that works for you? Do you want $5,000 or $10,000 a month coming in during retirement? how many years do you want that income to be accessible for you? For example, the statistics show you would need $5,210,607 in assets that pay you, if you decided to receive $5,000 for 40 years based on Y2005 dollars and using a 3.49% inflation per year. How close are you? Can you feel comfortable knowing you have your estate in order and not feel the effects of those huge tax complications? offers a free eReport on growing your retirement funds exponentially tax free.
As Albert Camus stated, "Life is the sum of all your choices." Join the movement and get educated, learn what to do and how to safely...take the money and run! You deserve it and your family deserves it.
# # # guides and directs others to live life in their timeframe on their terms so they can be more and do more for those they love the most.
Create yourself a fabulous day..
The real question is what is the best answer for you? Do you know what to do if you choose the lump sum option? Do you know what to do to avoid huge tax complications? I believe one should understand what the end result will be PRIOR to making a decision. I was always told by my good friend Brian Buffini, "When you put on those levi's and they don't fit remember, you didn't gain those 10lbs overnight." That may be a tongue and cheek answer but you didn't reach retirement age in one day. It has been over a life time of choices that has you where you are. Now to figure out what to do about it and hope you make the correct choice. I believe it's time to learn BEFORE you reach retirement age so you can create the outcome you are looking for. Others have, why not you?
As Jeff Carbone, a financial adviser in Cornelius, N.C. states...To the millions of workers scraping by with a crash-depleted 401(k), having a (lump sum) pension can seem like the next best thing to a lottery ticket...often on top of Social Security...many actual pension holders are quietly becoming casualties of the tough economy.... “The world is changing.”
There are several options out there for a person to grow their retirement funds safely. Creating that security we all are seeking. How much do you want to receive every month to live comfortably, not dependent on anyone else or the government? Think about it, does it really take age to retire? NO, it takes money. If you had your plan in place and you choose to retire at age 40 then go for it and have a blast! Is that possible? Yes it is if you know what you are doing. Is it time you figure out if that works for you? Do you want $5,000 or $10,000 a month coming in during retirement? how many years do you want that income to be accessible for you? For example, the statistics show you would need $5,210,607 in assets that pay you, if you decided to receive $5,000 for 40 years based on Y2005 dollars and using a 3.49% inflation per year. How close are you? Can you feel comfortable knowing you have your estate in order and not feel the effects of those huge tax complications? offers a free eReport on growing your retirement funds exponentially tax free.
As Albert Camus stated, "Life is the sum of all your choices." Join the movement and get educated, learn what to do and how to safely...take the money and run! You deserve it and your family deserves it.
# # # guides and directs others to live life in their timeframe on their terms so they can be more and do more for those they love the most.
Create yourself a fabulous day..
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Calculated RISK...or do they really mean common sense?
Let's go to the Real Estate "common sense" corner...what's really going on and what you really should consider. Solutions to getting into great real estate deals now. How does risk free real estate sound?
People trying to ride the wave of real estate can either jump in or be paralyzed by what they hear so let's get some facts on the table. Keep in mind, since there is no ceiling in real estate it means there is no bottom. Is real estate too risky? It can be if you don't know what you are doing. Consider house prices in California, stated in "the people history"; 1950 prices were around $14,500, 1960 prices around $18,500, 1970's around $26,600. What about now?
Look at what Zach Fox from the North Country Times in Calculated RISK Finance & Economics states in another Deal of the Week: Riding the waves in Oceanside (California). He states, "The featured 2 BR 2 BA condo sold for just under $100 thousand new in 1990. It went into foreclosure during the early '90s California housing bust, and was resold in 1995 for $33,000.
By 2000 the condo was above the original selling price. And then "rode the bubble" to an outrageous price. The condo went through foreclosure last year and sold in February for less than the original price in 1990! Adjust that return for inflation ..."
What does all this mean? If you knew how to read the market, understood what the current conditions were saying during the 1990's, would you have seen this wave coming?
History shows clearly the prices have gradually increased over each 10 year period. What I have come to learn is most people avoid the real estate arena because; they are scared to jump in, big time fear holds them back , they don't have the time to really know what or how to make a smart buying or selling decision, especially a lack of knowledge being so afraid to be "taken", rightfully so!
Common sense tells us we still have 3 basic needs which never go away.... food, water and shelter ( We are still bringing babies into this world, our bodies require water and we still need a place to live. I invite you to get educated ( and learn how simple, easy and smart it is to invest in real estate now. Learn what it takes to remove the fear of being "taken", understand buyer beware statements. Experience the opportunities of applying knowledge to make smart buying and selling decisions. Know how to benefit from real estate no matter what time you have available.
Knowledge alone is not power. Knowledge applied is power. Learn how to take charge of your financial situation today. If you are a first time home buyer, learn how to buy a property at wholesale. That means if the market goes down you are still in a position to have purchased at a great price. If the market goes up, you are sitting pretty. If you own multiple properties, buy more. Learn when and how to make smart buying and selling decision either in a good market, flat market or down market. Would that not give you the upper hand in today's economy? If you feel you are a seasoned investor, don't discount getting educated even if you believe you already know it all. Remember you don't know what you don't know.
People trying to ride the wave of real estate can either jump in or be paralyzed by what they hear so let's get some facts on the table. Keep in mind, since there is no ceiling in real estate it means there is no bottom. Is real estate too risky? It can be if you don't know what you are doing. Consider house prices in California, stated in "the people history"; 1950 prices were around $14,500, 1960 prices around $18,500, 1970's around $26,600. What about now?
Look at what Zach Fox from the North Country Times in Calculated RISK Finance & Economics states in another Deal of the Week: Riding the waves in Oceanside (California). He states, "The featured 2 BR 2 BA condo sold for just under $100 thousand new in 1990. It went into foreclosure during the early '90s California housing bust, and was resold in 1995 for $33,000.
By 2000 the condo was above the original selling price. And then "rode the bubble" to an outrageous price. The condo went through foreclosure last year and sold in February for less than the original price in 1990! Adjust that return for inflation ..."
What does all this mean? If you knew how to read the market, understood what the current conditions were saying during the 1990's, would you have seen this wave coming?
History shows clearly the prices have gradually increased over each 10 year period. What I have come to learn is most people avoid the real estate arena because; they are scared to jump in, big time fear holds them back , they don't have the time to really know what or how to make a smart buying or selling decision, especially a lack of knowledge being so afraid to be "taken", rightfully so!
Common sense tells us we still have 3 basic needs which never go away.... food, water and shelter ( We are still bringing babies into this world, our bodies require water and we still need a place to live. I invite you to get educated ( and learn how simple, easy and smart it is to invest in real estate now. Learn what it takes to remove the fear of being "taken", understand buyer beware statements. Experience the opportunities of applying knowledge to make smart buying and selling decisions. Know how to benefit from real estate no matter what time you have available.
Knowledge alone is not power. Knowledge applied is power. Learn how to take charge of your financial situation today. If you are a first time home buyer, learn how to buy a property at wholesale. That means if the market goes down you are still in a position to have purchased at a great price. If the market goes up, you are sitting pretty. If you own multiple properties, buy more. Learn when and how to make smart buying and selling decision either in a good market, flat market or down market. Would that not give you the upper hand in today's economy? If you feel you are a seasoned investor, don't discount getting educated even if you believe you already know it all. Remember you don't know what you don't know.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Depressive or Impressive Retirement?
Retirement is subjective. Since 1986 we have been given sole responsibility to build our retirement. We past the buck, literally; past our hard earned "bucks" to someone else to manage. Are we depressed or impressed with our results?
I'm one of those in my early 50's learning more about how I can create an impressive retirement. A retirement portfolio that takes care of giving me a strong sense of security and the satisfaction of what I accomplished. The government won't have a hand in my retirement because I learned how to play their game. I learned how to keep my portfolio protected and safe to use without penalties. Isn't it time you do the same?
I read an article from Andrea Coombes in MarketWatch on Social Security. As she pulled the statistics on how many use Social Security for their sole retirement portfolio, it was amazing and sad at the same time. WOW, really sad to see someones lack of responsibility for their own welfare. In reality, did they have a choice? We were handed the sole responsibility to manage and grow our own retirement since 1986. The government handed it back to us, sadly without any direction. The only choice was to hand our money off to someone who sold us on them knowing what they were doing. In essence, we gave our money to someone who saw a need and started up a business. If they can do it, why can't we? We can start up our own business and build our retirement within the same boundaries as they can.
I want to be the one who is secure from my own efforts. Learning the game and play by the rules, rules the government set up. Andrea states: "if you're in your mid-50s or younger, it's time to make alternate arrangements.The program's dismal outlook has long been known, but the recent economic crisis further scarred the program's finances, bringing closer the day of reckoning when receipts no longer cover benefit payouts."
Social Security was a great plan. A plan for those who worked their whole life for someone else. A system for the government to take care of their elderly. What happens if you didn't take that path? or you didn't retire from a "job" after 30 years? Now what? Here's a few thoughts; Working for someone else, the slave, save, retire theory isn't working in 2010. Jobs were created to recover from the Great Depression era, that was the Industrial age. We are now in the Information age. Traditional education grew out of competing for jobs, doing what was required to show employers you are better qualified. Once again, set up to get through the Industrial age. What can we do to position ourselves in the Information age?
Let's learn from the past and learn how to harmonize the two eras. The Industrial age, during and after the Great Depression was a time people had years of nothing, then years of great abundance. They learned how to stretch the dollar vs learning how money works and grows. When the abundance started dying down, credit cards came into play. Buy now and pay later. Look at where that has got us? So in debt and we don't have a clue on how to get out. We haven't learned how money works and grows! 1% of the wealthy have earned and built their wealth through business ownership and real estate investing. Are you ready to join the 1% club? Go to
Create yourself a great day!
I'm one of those in my early 50's learning more about how I can create an impressive retirement. A retirement portfolio that takes care of giving me a strong sense of security and the satisfaction of what I accomplished. The government won't have a hand in my retirement because I learned how to play their game. I learned how to keep my portfolio protected and safe to use without penalties. Isn't it time you do the same?
I read an article from Andrea Coombes in MarketWatch on Social Security. As she pulled the statistics on how many use Social Security for their sole retirement portfolio, it was amazing and sad at the same time. WOW, really sad to see someones lack of responsibility for their own welfare. In reality, did they have a choice? We were handed the sole responsibility to manage and grow our own retirement since 1986. The government handed it back to us, sadly without any direction. The only choice was to hand our money off to someone who sold us on them knowing what they were doing. In essence, we gave our money to someone who saw a need and started up a business. If they can do it, why can't we? We can start up our own business and build our retirement within the same boundaries as they can.
I want to be the one who is secure from my own efforts. Learning the game and play by the rules, rules the government set up. Andrea states: "if you're in your mid-50s or younger, it's time to make alternate arrangements.The program's dismal outlook has long been known, but the recent economic crisis further scarred the program's finances, bringing closer the day of reckoning when receipts no longer cover benefit payouts."
Social Security was a great plan. A plan for those who worked their whole life for someone else. A system for the government to take care of their elderly. What happens if you didn't take that path? or you didn't retire from a "job" after 30 years? Now what? Here's a few thoughts; Working for someone else, the slave, save, retire theory isn't working in 2010. Jobs were created to recover from the Great Depression era, that was the Industrial age. We are now in the Information age. Traditional education grew out of competing for jobs, doing what was required to show employers you are better qualified. Once again, set up to get through the Industrial age. What can we do to position ourselves in the Information age?
Let's learn from the past and learn how to harmonize the two eras. The Industrial age, during and after the Great Depression was a time people had years of nothing, then years of great abundance. They learned how to stretch the dollar vs learning how money works and grows. When the abundance started dying down, credit cards came into play. Buy now and pay later. Look at where that has got us? So in debt and we don't have a clue on how to get out. We haven't learned how money works and grows! 1% of the wealthy have earned and built their wealth through business ownership and real estate investing. Are you ready to join the 1% club? Go to
Create yourself a great day!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Tired or Retired?
Interesting conversation today I had with my son. I was looking at articles about retirement and got into the Social Security stuff. Retirement is a HUGE deal for me, I’m one of those that never knew how to build for retirement, thinking I had a back up with Social Security but also knew I didn’t want to work till I was 70 to get my full SS payout. I also learned from my Mom’s wealthy friends it’s good to supplement if possible.
I looked up the Depression. I honestly can say I didn’t realize it went on for so long, twelve years? It began in 1929 and officially ended in 1941. Crazy stuff!!! My greatest memory of the depression. Hope was lost during this horrible time. The survival skills learned were more how to stretch the dollar vs learning how the dollar works and grows.
Now we are 3 yrs into our current recession. How much hope has been lost? I believe this recession has hit us like a sunburn. Playing out in the sun all day then come nightfall your skin starts feeling a bit tight but still unaware of a sunburn. Come morning you look hot pink and can hardly move :) It truely has caught most of us unawares! Now we begin the search for something to sooth our current situation.
I’m not getting into this to be depressive but to IMPRESS upon you how most of us feel like we are swimming up stream. I have talked with so many people, those who have earned 6 figures and now out of a job. Their lifestyle took them out of the game. They are downsizing not because they really wanted to but to survive they have to. My neighbor, $750,000 home, beautiful. Paid cash for toys and more toys and thought life is good so he took out a 2nd mortgage to start investing .... no education just a belief he knew what he was doing. His wife stayed home with the kids. They traveled and was living the “dream” However, He has lost it all. Investments did not sell, borrowed money from family members, home is currently in foreclosure. Now renting and living paycheck to paycheck with his wife back to work.
It’s time we define our dreams and have a burning desire to achieve them!!!!
Start with putting together your dream board. Don’t just put pictures of things you want, get your picture along side that, house etc. The most important part of a dream board is to dream. Dreaming is not where you want to live day by day, let it be your path. Dream big, now put those dreams up on the shelf. Those dream are not the here and now but allows the law of abundance to kick in understanding where it’s directed to go. Now get to work, a burning desire is a must. My dream board says “Open the doors, I’ll do the work”. Awesome!!! Now you know where you are going and you will recognize it when you get there!!!
Create yourself a great day!
I looked up the Depression. I honestly can say I didn’t realize it went on for so long, twelve years? It began in 1929 and officially ended in 1941. Crazy stuff!!! My greatest memory of the depression. Hope was lost during this horrible time. The survival skills learned were more how to stretch the dollar vs learning how the dollar works and grows.
Now we are 3 yrs into our current recession. How much hope has been lost? I believe this recession has hit us like a sunburn. Playing out in the sun all day then come nightfall your skin starts feeling a bit tight but still unaware of a sunburn. Come morning you look hot pink and can hardly move :) It truely has caught most of us unawares! Now we begin the search for something to sooth our current situation.
I’m not getting into this to be depressive but to IMPRESS upon you how most of us feel like we are swimming up stream. I have talked with so many people, those who have earned 6 figures and now out of a job. Their lifestyle took them out of the game. They are downsizing not because they really wanted to but to survive they have to. My neighbor, $750,000 home, beautiful. Paid cash for toys and more toys and thought life is good so he took out a 2nd mortgage to start investing .... no education just a belief he knew what he was doing. His wife stayed home with the kids. They traveled and was living the “dream” However, He has lost it all. Investments did not sell, borrowed money from family members, home is currently in foreclosure. Now renting and living paycheck to paycheck with his wife back to work.
It’s time we define our dreams and have a burning desire to achieve them!!!!
Start with putting together your dream board. Don’t just put pictures of things you want, get your picture along side that, house etc. The most important part of a dream board is to dream. Dreaming is not where you want to live day by day, let it be your path. Dream big, now put those dreams up on the shelf. Those dream are not the here and now but allows the law of abundance to kick in understanding where it’s directed to go. Now get to work, a burning desire is a must. My dream board says “Open the doors, I’ll do the work”. Awesome!!! Now you know where you are going and you will recognize it when you get there!!!
Create yourself a great day!
Friday, August 13, 2010
A fun article I wrote...
US News & World Report speaks out on Retirement...
How do your retirement funds look? Are your expenses increasing while you find your funds decreasing right before your eyes? Isn't it time to stop the leak? Be assured you will create the right financial outcome at any age!
U.S. News & World reports shared the article written by Kimberly Palmer, Posted December 16, 2008 on "7 ways to Save for Retirement during a recession." She states "The recession appears to be forcing many consumers to sacrifice their retirement savings...A significant number of Americans don't know how much they need to save to maintain their standard of living [in retirement]," says Craig Averill, personal retirement solutions executive for Bank of America. Some 62 percent of survey respondents said they were either behind schedule in terms of their retirement planning or had not yet started."
This is not the first recession we have lived through. Why do we act as if it is? Why are we surprised when our retirement funds decrease because of current market trends? How do we know what is enough to take care of our needs long term?
Those are great questions. Questions I'm sure we each have asked ourselves. I'm in the same situation. When I was in my 20's, retirement was not even a thought. When I was in my 30's, I knew I should be thinking and preparing more for our retirement but family needs got in the way. Now, I'm approaching retirement crossing my fingers I have done enough. I wish I started earlier like most of you. I'm a college graduate but still I believed I must have been less educated than most. That simply is not true! I simply did not know. How do you know what you don't know? I simply refused to keep chasing ideas out there; I finally did something about it. shares what I did because I didn't know where to turn, who to learn from. Isn't it time we wake up and know where we are financially. Isn't it time to learn what it means to have your money work for you? Get my FREE eReport today at Isn't it time to find those leaks so you have more income to retire on? Or more importantly, a greater sense of security knowing you have done your best to prepare for retirement? Then enjoy the fruits of your labors. Now is the time! Stop procrastinating and start living!
# # #
As a Real Estate Investor, I own multiple properties. I am a Mentor/Advisor/Coach. With education many have generated wealth for their financial freedom through tools that build confidence in acquiring their own Real Estate portfolio
How do your retirement funds look? Are your expenses increasing while you find your funds decreasing right before your eyes? Isn't it time to stop the leak? Be assured you will create the right financial outcome at any age!
U.S. News & World reports shared the article written by Kimberly Palmer, Posted December 16, 2008 on "7 ways to Save for Retirement during a recession." She states "The recession appears to be forcing many consumers to sacrifice their retirement savings...A significant number of Americans don't know how much they need to save to maintain their standard of living [in retirement]," says Craig Averill, personal retirement solutions executive for Bank of America. Some 62 percent of survey respondents said they were either behind schedule in terms of their retirement planning or had not yet started."
This is not the first recession we have lived through. Why do we act as if it is? Why are we surprised when our retirement funds decrease because of current market trends? How do we know what is enough to take care of our needs long term?
Those are great questions. Questions I'm sure we each have asked ourselves. I'm in the same situation. When I was in my 20's, retirement was not even a thought. When I was in my 30's, I knew I should be thinking and preparing more for our retirement but family needs got in the way. Now, I'm approaching retirement crossing my fingers I have done enough. I wish I started earlier like most of you. I'm a college graduate but still I believed I must have been less educated than most. That simply is not true! I simply did not know. How do you know what you don't know? I simply refused to keep chasing ideas out there; I finally did something about it. shares what I did because I didn't know where to turn, who to learn from. Isn't it time we wake up and know where we are financially. Isn't it time to learn what it means to have your money work for you? Get my FREE eReport today at Isn't it time to find those leaks so you have more income to retire on? Or more importantly, a greater sense of security knowing you have done your best to prepare for retirement? Then enjoy the fruits of your labors. Now is the time! Stop procrastinating and start living!
# # #
As a Real Estate Investor, I own multiple properties. I am a Mentor/Advisor/Coach. With education many have generated wealth for their financial freedom through tools that build confidence in acquiring their own Real Estate portfolio
real estate agent,
Real Estate Trainer,
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Enjoy the day!
I'm sitting in our backyard arbor enjoying the beautiful summer weather. I watch as cars go by busily going here and there. I reflect on my business and have learned to create a business that keeps working whether I am or not. I can sit outside and enjoy the knowing I am making money no matter what I choose to do. That my friends is Freedom to me. I took it upon myself to figure out how to create what I have. I educated myself on how to work smarter not harder ... which I did so often. You see I believed if I was busy, I was productive. NOT! Working to create a working system that works automatically, nothing is more powerful. I also educated myself on what to do with the money I generate. Do I hang onto old techniques? Do I hold onto old habits? Depend on other's knowledge believing they have the answer? Depend on others to really be concerned about my finances? NO....NO again and again! I educated myself with sharp instructors who walk their talk. Learned how they set up their business', learned how they understand Taxes, learned how they think, how they act to simply duplicate their results. AMAZING!!!!
If you are tired of being sick and tired, go to and get started TODAY.
Go create yourself a fantastic day
If you are tired of being sick and tired, go to and get started TODAY.
Go create yourself a fantastic day
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Internet fun!!
You know as I have been learning how to put this blog together I have learned so much about Internet and Internet marketing. I'll continue to post what I've learned...Great way to generate income while you are off doing what you love to do. I am in AZ taking care of my newest grandbaby #6, Emma Lillian. Still working my internet business, generating leads and still creating income!!! How does it get better than that? I knew it was possible but never experienced the result. I'll keep this post short and sweet! Internet marketing is what I call freedom. Learning to live life on my terms and in my timeframe!
Create yourself a great day!
Create yourself a great day!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Random thoughts...
As I sit outside enjoying the beautiful weather, thoughts keep coming back to my friends. They are amazing people! They have so much to share. My family is among those I consider my friends. They are so inspirational to me. They have and continue to teach me so much about life.
What's amazing is during a coaching session, I usually learn more than my client. I am blessed to coach the best of the best. They come to me because they are losing sight of who they are. They are struggling with understanding why they do what they do. They are challenged with accepting who they are but after a few sessions they begin to see what I see. They understand more of who they are, experiencing their purpose in this world and is free to take that forward momentum to the next level, step by step.
It really doesn't matter in what area you are moving towards. In Real Estate Investing, marketing, business, personal development, we learn step by step, line upon line. It's the law of the harvest. We can not expect the seeds to grow in 24 hours to harvest them. Why then do we believe we should be entitled to gaining results within 24 hours?
Life is an amazing journey. I love how every day offers something new :)
Create yourself a great day!
What's amazing is during a coaching session, I usually learn more than my client. I am blessed to coach the best of the best. They come to me because they are losing sight of who they are. They are struggling with understanding why they do what they do. They are challenged with accepting who they are but after a few sessions they begin to see what I see. They understand more of who they are, experiencing their purpose in this world and is free to take that forward momentum to the next level, step by step.
It really doesn't matter in what area you are moving towards. In Real Estate Investing, marketing, business, personal development, we learn step by step, line upon line. It's the law of the harvest. We can not expect the seeds to grow in 24 hours to harvest them. Why then do we believe we should be entitled to gaining results within 24 hours?
Life is an amazing journey. I love how every day offers something new :)
Create yourself a great day!
Monday, July 12, 2010
It's time
Hi Friends,
A few thoughts have been going through my mind. Salt Lake & Cheyenne are open markets in Real Estate and for business networking. Getting started will take some leadership to assist me in offering an opportunity of a lifetime for those ready to take on their financial life. Those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired!!! Those who are in a position to seriously serve those in the Salt Lake & Cheyenne communities. Those who are ready to pay it forward to others. If this speaks to you, email me and let's get started!
Interesting point - Out of a 9.3% unemployment rate nationally....
Cheyenne, WY comes in at 7.0. Is there a need out there for new business'? YES!!! Is there a need in Cheyenne for business ownership education? YES
Same within Ogden/ Salt Lake, Utah Area, they come in at 7.0
I'm getting these statistic from US dept of Labor...
Check them out for your self.
When I look at the Real Estate Market for both areas, they remain steady or flat as most know it. It's not an up market or a down market but a flat market, remaining consistent. Is there Real Estate deals out there? YES
Why are we not taking advantage of them? That answer must come from within, what is holding you back?
I believe Nouveau Riche is a solution. Nouveau Riche is like a HUGE gym, a place where you can receive the results you are looking for. However, there are some who buy into a "gym membership" and learn tons of stuff but never do anything with that knowledge. Those who watch the results as people come and go. Those who think, "I'll get there, it's just not a good time for me." Those who believe if they only buy into the gym but not participate they will still see results. But, those who are successful connect in with their local community. They get to know the personal trainers and learn from them everyday.
What personal development is needed? Once again, what we don't know we can't change. Come onboard to learn what the successful are doing, you can do it to. Success is a learnable skill!!!! I urge each of you to plug in. I know the power of Nouveau Riche, I know the power of the marketing plan. Is it time you find out for yourself?
Create a great day for yourself!!!
A few thoughts have been going through my mind. Salt Lake & Cheyenne are open markets in Real Estate and for business networking. Getting started will take some leadership to assist me in offering an opportunity of a lifetime for those ready to take on their financial life. Those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired!!! Those who are in a position to seriously serve those in the Salt Lake & Cheyenne communities. Those who are ready to pay it forward to others. If this speaks to you, email me and let's get started!
Interesting point - Out of a 9.3% unemployment rate nationally....
Cheyenne, WY comes in at 7.0. Is there a need out there for new business'? YES!!! Is there a need in Cheyenne for business ownership education? YES
Same within Ogden/ Salt Lake, Utah Area, they come in at 7.0
I'm getting these statistic from US dept of Labor...
Check them out for your self.
When I look at the Real Estate Market for both areas, they remain steady or flat as most know it. It's not an up market or a down market but a flat market, remaining consistent. Is there Real Estate deals out there? YES
Why are we not taking advantage of them? That answer must come from within, what is holding you back?
I believe Nouveau Riche is a solution. Nouveau Riche is like a HUGE gym, a place where you can receive the results you are looking for. However, there are some who buy into a "gym membership" and learn tons of stuff but never do anything with that knowledge. Those who watch the results as people come and go. Those who think, "I'll get there, it's just not a good time for me." Those who believe if they only buy into the gym but not participate they will still see results. But, those who are successful connect in with their local community. They get to know the personal trainers and learn from them everyday.
What personal development is needed? Once again, what we don't know we can't change. Come onboard to learn what the successful are doing, you can do it to. Success is a learnable skill!!!! I urge each of you to plug in. I know the power of Nouveau Riche, I know the power of the marketing plan. Is it time you find out for yourself?
Create a great day for yourself!!!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
It's happening!!!
WOW, just put together my upcoming ads. Learning how to manuever around Craig's list, publishing online articles, positioning on google and much more. Now I know anything is a learnable skill!!!
When I started into my Real Estate Investing, I had to overcome lots of fears just like my fears of the internet. Both are learnable skills, I know cuz I have .... I am doing both.
What are you learning out there? I hope it's how to generate income, both passive and massive! If you have a desire to change your bank account to the positive and have more money than month, say YES to getting registered TODAY for my free Investing Workshop. Seating is limited so register NOW at I'll show you real life examples of what my students have accomplished in today's market.
Create an amazing day for yourself!
When I started into my Real Estate Investing, I had to overcome lots of fears just like my fears of the internet. Both are learnable skills, I know cuz I have .... I am doing both.
What are you learning out there? I hope it's how to generate income, both passive and massive! If you have a desire to change your bank account to the positive and have more money than month, say YES to getting registered TODAY for my free Investing Workshop. Seating is limited so register NOW at I'll show you real life examples of what my students have accomplished in today's market.
Create an amazing day for yourself!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Forward Momentum
Well it's started! We have learned so much about Craig's list, road side signs, getting articles published etc. All the fun stuff it takes to create a strong positioning online. Well, crazy as it sounds it has been fun. My team has really expanded and each person has a part to play. I'm glad I don't have to do this all by myself!!!
Thank you tons TEAM!!!!
Make it a great day
Thank you tons TEAM!!!!
Make it a great day
Monday, June 28, 2010
The adventure begins
I've started!!! I am not into technology but I have learned so much over the past 3 months. I now officially have an internet business. It's fun but I'm still scared!
Isn't this how we are with most things? Excited for something new but really scared to make it happen? Come to think of it, that was how I felt when I got into Real Estate Investing. Excited I finally found the way in but still so scared it was hard to finalize my first deal.
Well, with real estate I get it! That is why I have decided to become others training wheels to assist them in getting up and running. I work with them on their first deal, walking them through each step. Once they complete the deal they can now turn around and do it again and again!!! That is what drives me. Yes I get compensated because we split the deal, however, watching them see and feel the reality of it really working is the biggest payback. I love what I do.
I guide and direct others to live life in their timeframes and on their terms so they can do more and be more for those they love the most.
I invite you to add a comment on a time you were so excited to start something new but were still scared to pull the trigger. Together we can move forward....forward momentum is a choice!
Have a great week, it's a good life!
Monday, May 17, 2010
People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a confession of their character -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Get paid for being a concerned friend and/or family member!
1. Have you heard they are struggling financially? getting behind on their payments? frustrated because they don't know where to turn?
2. HomeSave LLC is a phone call away!
HomeSave LLC gives them a chance to learn what options they have AND you learn how to receive your $500 referral fee. So call 801-721-7779 NOW or Contact Jody Hill before it's too late!
1. Have you heard they are struggling financially? getting behind on their payments? frustrated because they don't know where to turn?
2. HomeSave LLC is a phone call away!
HomeSave LLC gives them a chance to learn what options they have AND you learn how to receive your $500 referral fee. So call 801-721-7779 NOW or Contact Jody Hill before it's too late!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Real Estate Revolution!
Possible $20K+ a month working with my Real Estate Investing Team, training available!
Register online at TODAY!
Register online at TODAY!
"Even when opportunity knocks, a man still has to get up off his seat and open the door."
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